Work - theatre



"More than a century after Frank Wedekind let her out of his theatrical box, Lulu remains as alluring and elusive as ever, dancing merrily through our fantasies, wreaking havoc like a female Pan, always just beyond our grasp. She is brought into sharper focus than usual in this intelligent, compressed version of Wederkind's original two plays, written and directed by Anna Ledwich, whose talents stretched (on the night I saw) it to playing the love-lorn lesbian Countess Geschwitz for an indisposed colleague."

...extracted from The Guardian review by Lyn Gardner.
Paul first met his wife Natasha in 1971 when they both performed in a Leeds Playhouse production of Frank Wedekind's Lulu.
  • Director: Anna Ledwich
  • Performances:2010
  • Theatre:Gate Theatre, Notting Hill